Saturday, October 16, 2010

Church School Lesson: One Way For All

John 14:6
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

To teach that although God invites everyone to come to Him, we must come through the Lord Jesus, the only way; those who refuse to do so will be shut out.

A king sent invitations for his son's wedding. Food and wedding coats were prepared. The invited guests refused to go. People from the streets were invited instead. Many came and were given coats.
The wedding is a picture of Heaven. Christians are to invites everyone to go there. There is only one way to get there - through Jesus.

1. Prepared satay sticks, cut ready cloud shapes and a red button.
2. Cut the satay sticks with one longer and shorter to make a cross. If you have older toddler, you can guide them to tie them together. For 3-year old kids, you need to tie for them.
3. Get them to stick the cross on the paper, then stick the clouds and button (represent sun).
4. Let them decorate the craft work.
5. Finally, write down the verse on the paper.

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