Saturday, September 11, 2010

Church School Lesson: Surprise Story

Matthew 22:39
Love your neighbour as yourself.

To teach that God wants His children to so love people of all races that we will be ready to help them, no matter what it costs us.

The story of the Good Samaritan woman. The road to Jericho was steep and dangerous. A traveller was robbed and beaten. A priest came and passed by, a Levite looked and then went away. Both were religious men and Jews. A Samaritan treated the man's wounds and took him to an inn and paid money to get people to take care of him until he return. He had love in his heart. He did more than anybody would expect. He was a true neighbour. We should love and help people of all races.

1. Draw a heart shape on a paper.
2. Get the children to roll some creep paper and stick on the heart shape. You can have your choice of colour.
3. Write down the verse on the paper and let the children to decorate the paper freely.

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