Saturday, July 31, 2010

Church School Lesson: Good Shepherd

John 10:11
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

To show that Jesus loves and leads and looks after His own people, like a shepherd caring for his sheep.

The shepherd stayed in the fields with the sheep. He risked his life to protect them from harm. He took them to shelter, as the door of the fold. Jesus will care for His sheep always. A shepherd protected his sheep because he loved them. Jesus died on the cross out of love for us. Jesus now lives to be our Good Shepherd. We should trust and follow Him.

1. Prepare a green colour paper as a meadow/field
2. Let the children trace their hand print on another colour paper. Then cut it out.
3. Let the children stick the cotton ball on the hand print palm, then draw an eye.
That's it! It's a very simple craft for toddler.